(865) 524-7107


At Greater Knoxville Dermatology you are under the care of licensed medical professionals who exercise the highest standard of care
in dermatology. We are well-trained and experienced in the treatment of skin diseases, issues and problems as well as skin rejuvenation.


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States and doesn’t only happen to teenagers. It can be a frustrating problem in adulthood too. Acne occurs when pores in the skin get clogged, eventually leading to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, nodules and cysts.

Treatments for Acne Include:

  • Topical treatments: Topical antibiotics, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, cleansers
  • Oral medications: Antibiotics, spironolactone, birth control pills, Accutane
  • Cosmetic treatments: Chemical peels, HydraFacial, extractions, microneedling, photodynamic therapy, laser

At Greater Knoxville Dermatology, we will tailor your acne treatment program to your acne type, motivation, lifestyle, and tolerance for medications. We can help recommend appropriate cleansers, skin routines and products.

There are many reasons for dark spots on the skin, including sun or age spots, genetics, melasma, and the after effects of inflammation.

Common dark spots include sun spots from excessive sun exposure, and seborrheic keratoses which are usually raised, brown, and crusty. It can be difficult to distinguish between benign brown spots and ones that have potential for malignancy, so call us for an appointment for skin cancer screening.

Melasma occurs predominantly in women, and appears as patchy brown pigmentation of the face. Causes include pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone replacement, and genetic predisposition. Treatment can be frustrating, and must include meticulous sun protection. Options can include topical bleaching creams and retinoids, chemical peels, and sometimes laser.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky rashes on the scalp, elbows, knees, and other areas. It can also be associated with arthritis. While it is a chronic condition, there are many options for treatment to control it. This can include a variety of prescription topical creams, excimer laser with our XTRAC laser, oral and injectable medications.   We specialize in helping you choose the best treatment plan to help clear your skin.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, with 1 in 5 Americans being diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime.

We strongly encourage annual skin exams and skin cancer screenings, regular use of sunscreen (including SPF lip balm) and protective clothing and hats, avoiding sun during peak intensity hours, avoiding use of tanning beds, and performing monthly self skin exams at home. It could save your life!

The 3 major types of skin cancers are:

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

This is the most common type of skin cancer in the world. It usually grows in an area of skin that is exposed to sun and tends to bleed easily or not heal over. It rarely spreads to other parts of the body, but must be treated or it will grow deeper and wider, destroying skin, tissue, and bone.

For more information, click here.


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

This skin cancer tends to develop on areas of skin that are exposed to sun, but can occur in the mouth, lips, or genitalia. People who have used tanning beds have a much higher risk of getting SCC, and it tends to occur earlier in life.   This type of skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body.

For more information, click here.



Melanoma is a very serious type of skin cancer, which can spread quickly to other parts of the body, being fatal. When found early, though, it is usually treatable.

Warning signs of melanoma:

A = Asymmetry – One half is not like the other.

B = Border – An irregular or poorly defined border; remember, normal moles are usually round, not jagged.

C = Color – Having more than one color within a mole, or change in color of a mole.

D = Diameter – Melanomas and other skin cancers are usually bigger than the size of a pencil eraser by the time they are diagnosed, but they can be smaller.

E = Evolving – A mole that changes in size, shape, color or elevation; or that becomes itchy, painful, or bleeds.

Risk factors:

  • Tanning beds. Use of indoor tanning beds before age 35 increases your risk of melanoma by 59%, and the risk increases with each use.
  • Having 5 or more blistering sunburns between ages 15 and 20 increases one’s risk of getting melanoma by 80%.
  • Family history of melanoma.
  • Light-colored skin or eyes, or many moles. You have a higher risk of getting melanoma if you have fair skin, red or blond hair, blue or green eyes, 50 or more moles, atypical moles.

For more information, click here.

ACTINIC KERATOSIS (pre-cancerous lesions)
Actinic keratoses are skin cells that have been damaged by ultraviolet light in sun or tanning beds. They are pre-cancerous and can evolve into skin cancer, specifically squamous cell carcinoma.

They are typically pink, scaly or rough.  Treatments include liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, chemotherapy creams, and photodynamic therapy (blue or red light treatment).

To prevent these, regularly wear SPF 30 or greater sunscreen, sun protective hats and clothing, and avoid sun tanning and tanning beds.

Call to schedule an appointment for skin cancer screening.

There are many causes for hair loss, most commonly genetic, age-related hair loss, which can affect both men and women. Other causes can include medications, autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata, and trauma, but also some rarer conditions. Your dermatologist can help determine which of these contribute to your hair loss.
Rosacea is a common, chronic skin condition resulting in redness of the face, easy flushing, pimples, and broken blood vessels (telangiectasias) of the face, which often wax and wane. There is often a genetic component to rosacea. Other causes of flares can include sun exposure, stress, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and changes in temperature.

Treatment includes appropriate skin care since patients with rosacea often have sensitive skin, topical antibiotic and other creams/gels, oral antibiotics, and treatment with our Candela Vbeam laser.

Contact Greater Knoxville Dermatology for rosacea treatment.

Moles, called nevi, are common growths that most often appear during childhood and adolescents. They will grow as a child grows; some will darken, some lighten, and this is usually normal. However, if it changes rapidly, does not look like a child’s other moles, has a jagged border, or bleeds, or if your child has over 50 moles, see a dermatologist.

For adults, changes to existing moles or new moles can be a sign of melanoma. If you see a mole that is growing, itching, bleeding, or changing in any way, immediately make an appointment to see a dermatologist.

Normal moles should be round, one color, flat or slightly raised, and unchanging from month to month.

Melanoma tends to show one or more of the following traits:

A = Asymmetry – One half is not like the other.

B = Border – An irregular or poorly defined border; remember, normal moles are usually round, not jagged.

C = Color – Having more than one color within a mole, or change in color of a mole.

D = Diameter – Melanomas and other skin cancers are usually bigger than the size of a pencil eraser by the time they are diagnosed, but they can be smaller.

E = Evolving – A mole that changes in size, shape, color or elevation; or that becomes itchy, painful, or bleeds.

If you have a mole that exhibits one of the ABCDEs of melanoma, make an appointment with us at 524-7107 to have it evaluated.

There are different kinds of birthmarks, including

  • Port Wine Stains

This is a birthmark that starts as a faint pink mark that darkens as the baby grows. It will not fade with time, and they can develop a pebbled thick surface and be unattractive. Our Candela Vbeam laser treatments are effective for them. They are generally benign, but in certain locations and sizes can be associated with underlying disorders.

  • Hemangiomas

This birthmark can grow rapidly before fading. If it appears near the eye, nose, mouth, or ear, treatment is often recommended to prevent the hemangioma from growing large enough to block that area of the child’s body. Treatment can include topical or oral beta blockers, steroids, laser, or even surgery.

  • Congenital Nevi

These are moles that are present at birth or that develop shortly after birth. They occur in about 1% of the population. They can be of any size, but large ones are more at risk for developing melanoma. These should be evaluated by a dermatologist and monitored for change. If a congenital mole overlies the spine, there could be need for further evaluation.


Molluscum contagiosum is very common and is caused by a virus that is easily spread from skin to skin contact or from sharing towels or clothing. It is also spread from contact with gym equipment and mats. These are small clear bumps that can occur anywhere on the skin. They can resolve without treatment, but can spread onto other parts of the body or to other people.

Treatments can include prescription topical creams, topical medications applied in the dermatologist’s office, laser, cryotherapy, and sometimes oral medications. Your dermatologist can help determine the best option for you or your child.

Vitiligo is a condition that causes pigment to be lost from the skin, resulting in white patches. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the cells that make skin color are destroyed. It can be associated with other diseases such as thyroid disease.

Treatments include prescription topical creams, excimer laser such as our XTRAC laser, and phototherapy.

Warts are very common skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are transmitted by direct contact with the virus. Warts can be persistent and difficult to eradicate. Treatment can include liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, topical medications, oral cimetidine, laser treatments, and injections into the warts.

Call Greater Knoxville Dermatology for evaluation and treatment of warts.